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 The Law College of the Belarusian State University

The Law College of the Belarusian State University

21, Komsomolskaya st.,

Law College BSU,

Minsk, Belarus,


tel./fax: +(375 17) 397-12-82

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1. Foundation

The Educational establishment «The Law College of the Belarusian State University» was founded by President’s decree № 636, 1998 to satisfy the requirements of highly qualified law specialists in the Republic of Belarus. The Law College welcomed its first students on September 1, 2000 which is regarded as the day of its foundation.

 The Law College is the first vocational specialized educational institution in the Republic of Belarus engaged in training lawyers. The foundation of the Law College contributed to the creation of the unified system of continuing legal education comprising the Law College, the Law Department of the BSU, the Further Training and Staff Retraining Institute for judges, officials of the Public Prosecutor’s office, courts and judicial bodies. Being an integral part of the whole complex of the Belarusian State University, the Law College operates not only highly-qualified staff but also academic resources of the University.

In 2003 under the decree of the Minister of Education the Law College was granted the status of the vocational specialized educational institution entitled to provide legal education.

 The Law College provides its students with a high level of education, which is proved by the number of college graduates admitted to different universities of the country.

(Nowadays 95 % of college graduates are getting higher education and 40 % of them are in full-time tuition).

Highly qualified teaching staff (including 25 Ph.D.s and practising lawyers) has made the Law College one of the most prestigious educational institutions engaged in training specialists competitive and efficient in law.

2. Specialty and Specializations

College students can obtain specialty 2-24 01 02 “Jurisprudence” in the following areas:

-Legal activities;

-Judicial activities;

-Economic activities and personnel work;

Upon graduation students are awarded the qualification of «Lawyer».

3. Educational Process

Education in the College is run according to the curricula which provide a profound liberal education and appropriate practical training.

Education is conducted by 4 departments:

• State Law and Criminal Law;

• Legal Sciences and Civil Law;

• Social Sciences and Arts;

• Natural Sciences.

Training of specialists in the College is carried out on the basis of general and secondary education.

The College has such educational facilities as a legal information centre and 3 computer classes, a library and reading hall with a great selection of up-to-date legal literature.  The University information network and an easy access to the Internet are available in the College.

According to the regulations, every College student is secured a set of appropriate manuals and tutorials.

Since  the Law College is a part of the Belarusian State University and participates in its educational, scientific and apprenticeship  process, the students of the College are entitled to use the University’s classrooms,  legal centers, sport facilities, libraries and reading halls.

There is a hostel available for nonresident students.

Students' research activities are an integral part of their studies. They are carried out in the form of both term paper and graduate project defense, participation in specialized scientific legal conferences as well as specialized competitions.

Practical training and apprenticeship are mainly held in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus, Courts of General Jurisdiction, the Economic Court of Minsk city, the Public Prosecutor’s office, Minsk and regional authorities, executive committees and other economic entities with different forms of ownership. The Law College graduates are granted the opportunity to continue their studies as third-year students of the Law Faculty of the Belarusian State University.

4. Employment

Law College graduates are employed by:

• legal, personnel and consulting agencies of various executive bodies (Ministries, governmental departments, etc.), offices of local and self-government and other public bodies (social security, licensing, etc.);

• legal, personnel and consulting units of business entities with different forms of ownership, state and public legal entities (public organizations, trade unions, etc.);

• judicial bodies;

• Public Prosecutor’s office;

• legal institutions.

5. Extra curricula activities

Students of the Law College actively participate in educational, sport and cultural activities held both in the College and the BSU.

6. Institution for Talented and Bright School-leavers

College graduates are highly qualified specialists who possess deep academic knowledge and can apply it in practice. Our graduates are in high demand and have no difficulty in finding a job. Furthermore, the College sets a complicated goal for its graduates to find not only a prestigious, interesting and well paid job but the one which will be their real vocation.

This highly demanding educational environment contributes to the upbringing of intelligent people being good at communication and having special skills and abilities which give them confidence even in unknown circumstances and enable them to improve their professional skills in the future.




Дата обновления: 03.01.2025

Курс 1-9     (PDF) (EXCEL)

  Курс 2-9     (PDF) (EXCEL) 

  Курс 2-11    (PDF) (EXCEL)

  Курс 3-9      (PDF) (EXCEL)

  Курс 3-11    (PDF) (EXCEL)



Юридический колледж БГУ,

ул. Комсомольская, 21

г. Минск, Беларусь, 220030

Тел: +375 (17) 397 12 82

Email: college@bsu.by


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